13 September 2012

New Product Announcement - "Let There Be MUGS"

Well as promised we have been hard at work creating "NEW" products to feature in our online Zazzle store. The latest product additions to the evolving "Salvation Series" are designer MUGS. 

Listen up - all of you coffee aficionados and beverage enthusiast. 

Today you have the power. Today you have the opportunity to stand out. BE the center of attention in your morning circle. 

Show Up! and Show Off! your "NEW" favorite mug. Click Now to place your order. 

PS. Prayer Changes Everything.

12 September 2012


Recently a fellow creative asked, "Why do you guys use Zazzle to promote your designs?". Well the answer is simple I replied, we use Zazzle because it's a free way to beta test designs before we take them to market. We consider Zazzle our "Magic Manufacturer", the team brainstorms, new ideas are born, we upload artwork and products begin to fill our eStore. After that I continued, we promote through our social media partners (Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook) to see what the public responds favorably to. Then and only then do we bring the manufacturing in-house. 

After another espresso I could see the lights come on - "zero money beta testing", he said with a smile. I smiled back and welcomed him to the brave new digital world.

With all things - if you try hard enough you can let outside interest make the best ideas sour. Fight the temptation to give into your inner "Chicken Little", continue to dream and look for ways to make those dreams come true.

If by this point you haven't figured it out I'm a Zazzle fan, for ideas of all sizes you can't beat'um!

08 September 2012

T-Shirts and Salvation for ALL

"Be proud. You are not the momentary whim of a careless creator experimenting in the laboratory of life. You are not a slave of forces that you cannot comprehend. You are a free manifestation of no force but mine, of no love but mine. You were made with a purpose.

Feel my hand. Hear my words.
You need me ... and I need you.

We have a world to rebuild ... and if it requireth a miracle what is that to us? We are both miracles and now we have each other."

This quote is from one of my favorite reads, The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og MandinoThe God Memorandum.

The fan overhead echoes a steady, faint rhythm much like a clocks second hand (before digital). The beat counts off days, now hours before the reveal. I check my notes, then again, "this is the one to make all the other attempts make sense". 

This is Solo Christo Designs (SCD), forged from the need to matter and the earnest desire to create something positive. SCD creates christian themed fashions and specialty products for the online retail market. SCD has also recently partnered with the talented folks at Two Krazy Katerers Marketing enabling us to offer a wide range of exciting new services to include graphic design, print to mobile applications and advertising specialties. 

Our website launch date is October 1, 2012 at 12PM EST. The site will be a collaborative one much like this blog, inviting comments, testimonies and words of encouragement. The Solo Christo site will offer products from our newest line, The Salvation Series. Please make time to visit and share.

Shake Things Up. Pray.